

Dogpack is a unique social media platform tailored specifically for a close-knit group of friends. Combining the best features of Facebook and Instagram. Dogpack offers a private, interactive space where users can share posts, comment, like, and more. Dogpack focuses on privacy and community, ensuring a personalized and engaging social media experience.


Backend:Powered by Python Flask for efficient server-side processing and secure data handling.
Frontend:Crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a responsive and dynamic user interface.
Database:Utilizes SQLite3 for reliable data storage and retrieval.
Real-Time Updates:Employs Flask-SocketIO for real-time broadcasting of likes and comments.
Asynchronous Data Handling:Utilizes AJAX for periodic updates of post and comment timestamps.


  1. Login and Registration

    • Secure login system requiring a valid username and password.
    • Detailed registration process with specific requirements for usernames and passwords to ensure security and uniqueness.
    • Error handling for incorrect or incomplete login/registration attempts.
  2. Homepage

    • Displays posts from all users with options to like and comment.
    • Real-time updates using Flask-SocketIO to broadcast likes and comments instantly.
  3. Posts and Interactions

    • Each post includes a photo, user details, timestamp, like button, and comment section.
    • Real-time updates for likes and comments using Flask-SocketIO and AJAX.
    • Users can delete their own posts and comments, with all associated data (likes, comments) removed via ON DELETE CASCADE in SQLite3.
  4. Profile Management

    • Users can view and manage their posts on their profile page.
    • Profile photo upload and editing using Cropper.js for precise control over the image.
    • Password change functionality with thorough validation.
  5. Search and Gallery

    • Comprehensive search functionality to find users by name, surname, or username.
    • Gallery page displaying all posts with user identification and post details.
  6. Mobile Responsiveness:

    • Fully responsive design ensuring usability across various devices, including mobile phones.



  1. Clone repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd dogpack
  3. Create virtual environment: python -m venv venv
  4. Activate virtual environment:
    • Windows: venv/Scripts/activate
    • Unix/MacOS: source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Run application: flask --app --debug run


  1. Login/Register:
    • Access the platform by logging in with existing credentials or registering for a new account.
    • Navigate to the login or registration page and follow the prompts to enter required information.
  2. Homepage Interaction:
    • Upon login, users are directed to the homepage where they can:
      • View posts from other users.
      • Like and comment on posts.
      • Experience real-time updates through Flask-SocketIO.
  3. Navigation:
    • Utilize the sidebar navigation to:
      • Access profile pages.
      • Explore gallery and search functionalities.
      • Perform various actions seamlessly.
  4. Profile Management:
    • Edit profile details, including name and password, through the profile settings.
    • Upload, crop, and update profile photos easily.
    • View personal posts and interact with them.
  5. Search Functionality:
    • Search for users by name, surname, or username.
    • Partial search capability enables finding users efficiently.
  6. Gallery Access:
    • Browse through a user's posts conveniently in the gallery section.
    • Click on individual posts to view details and interact with them.
  7. Photo Posting:
    • Upload photos with optional captions through the "Add a photo" section.
    • Experience smooth photo editing and posting functionalities.
    • Enjoy automatic handling of duplicate filenames for efficient storage.


  • Backend:
    • Flask
    • SQLite3
    • Flask-SocketIO
  • Frontend:
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Libraries and Dependencies:
    • Werkzeug
    • Cropper.js
  • Others:
    • AJAX